Aedes grantii (Theobald, 1901), original combination: Stegomyia grantii.
Subfamily Culicinae, genus Aedes, subgenus Stegomyia. The Grantii Group is monobasic.
Species of the Grantii Group are distinguished from other species and groups of subgenus Stegomyia by the following combination of characters (adapted from Huang, 2004). ADULTS ‒ Maxillary palpus with pale scaling; scutum without patch of broadened pale falcate scales on scutal fossa, with long median longitudinal pale stripe, dorsocentral setae present; scutellum with broad pale scales on all lobes; paratergite with broad pale scales; subspiracular area with broad pale scales; postspiracular scales absent; all femora with knee spot, midfemur with anterior pale stripe; all tibiae with anterior pale stripe; hindtarsomeres 2‒4 with basal pale bands, hindtarsomere 5 entirely pale; fore and midungues of females equal, without teeth, fore- and midungues of males unequal, larger anterior unguis with 1 tooth, small posterior unguis without tooth. MALE GENITALIA ‒ Group characters not evident, but see Mattingly (1954). LARVAE and PUPAE ‒ Not studied in detail; group characters unknown, but see Leeson & Theodor (1948). See subgenus Stegomyia.
Without a thorough review of subgenus Stegomyia, it is difficult to determine the affinities of the Grantii Group. Mattingly & Knight (1956) observed that Ae. grantii is morphologically intermediate between members of the Albopictus and Scutellaris Subgroups of the Scutellaris Group.
Larvae of the Ae. grantii have been found in wells (Leeson & Theodor, 1948). Nothing is known about the bionomics of the adults.
The sole species of the Grantii Group is not known to be of medical importance.
The sole species of the Grantii Group is only recorded from the island of Socotra, Yemen.
Leeson & Theodor, 1948 (description of male and larva of Ae. grantii); Mattingly, 1954 (male genitalia of Ae. grantii); Huang, 2004 (diagnosis based on adults, identification key).
grantii (Theobald, 1901)