Aedes apicoargenteus (Theobald, 1909), original combination: Stegomyia apicoargentea.
Subfamily Culicinae, genus Aedes, subgenus Stegomyia. The Apicoargenteus Group includes seven species.
Species of the Apicoargenteus Group are distinguished from other species and groups of subgenus Stegomyia by the following combination of characters (adapted from Huang, 2004). ADULTS ‒ Maxillary palpus with pale scaling; scutum with crescent-shaped patch of broadened pale falcate scales on scutal fossa, dorsocentral setae present; paratergite with broad pale scales; subspiracular area with broad pale scales; subspiracular area with broad pale scales; postspiracular scales absent; mid- and hindfemur each with knee spot, absent on forefemur; midfemur with large pale spot on anterior surface; hindtibia dark anteriorly, with postbasal pale stripe; hindtarsomeres 1–3 with basal pale bands, hindtarsomere 4 with basal pale band or entirely pale; abdominal terga VI–VII with broad basal pale bands, each 0.5– 0.9 length of respective tergum. MALE GENITALIA, ‒ Group characters not evident. LARVAE and PUPAE ‒ Not studied in detail; group characters unknown. See subgenus Stegomyia.
Without a thorough review of subgenus Stegomyia, it is difficult to determine the affinities of the Apicoargenteus Group.
The immature stages of species of the Apicoargenteus Group are most often found in tree holes, but have also been found in bamboo stumps (Ae. apicoargenteus, Ae. soleatus), rock pools (Ae. apicoargenteus), small holes in granite boulders (Ae. fraseri) and artificial containers (Ae. apicoargenteus, Ae. schwetzi). The immature stages of Ae. ealaensis are unknown. Females of Ae. apicoargenteus, Ae. denderensis, Ae. ealaensis and Ae. fraseri are known to bite humans.
Species of the Apicoargenteus Group are not known to be of medical importance.
Species of the Apicoargenteus Group are occur in sub-Saharan Africa, but are absent from Madagascar.
van Someren, 1946 (Ae. fraseri ‒ morphology, bionomic); Hopkins, 1952 (larvae of Ae. apicoargenteus, Ae. schwetzi, Ae. soleatus ‒ descriptions, bionomics); Mattingly, 1953 (morphology of Ae. schwetzi, Ae. soleatus); Huang 2004 (diagnosis based on adults, bionomics, medical importance, keys).
apicoargenteus (Theobald, 1909)
blacklocki Evans, 1925
denderensis Wolfs, 1949
ealaensis Huang, 2004
fraseri (Edwards, 1912)
schwetzi Edwards, 1926
soleatus Edwards, 1924 (in Haworth, 1924)