Subgenus Miyagiella Harbach, 2014

Type species: 

Topomyia discors Harbach, 2014 (in Harbach & Culverwell, 2014).


Subfamily Culicinae, genus Topomyia. Subgenus Miyagiella is monobasic. Subgenus abbreviation – Myg.


The subgenera of Topomyia are currently defined solely by characters of the forelegs and genitalia of males (Thurman, 1959). Subgenus Miyagiella is clearly a distinct lineage based on the unique development and combination of these characters.

DIAGNOSIS – Foretarsomere 2 longer than foretarsomere 3 (distinction from subgenus Topomyia); larger foreunguis of males toothed (unique); tergum IX broad, without setae (unique); sternum IX without scales (unique), setae only; gonocoxite with few inconspicuous scales (unique), gonostylus attached to gonocoxite subapically (distinction from subgenus Suaymyia and most species of subgenus Topomyia); gonostylar claw absent (unique); claspette without dorsal lobe (distinction from subgenus Topomyia); aedeagus bulbous (unique); tergum X a narrow sclerite joined to tergum IX (unique); paraproct a stout process of tergum IX, without apical teeth (unique); cercal setae absent (distinction from subgenus Topomyia and some species of subgenus Suaymyia). See genus Topomyia.

Phylogenetic relationships: 

The phylogenetic affinities of Miyagiella have not been studied. It shares a number of adult features with subgenera Suaymyia and Topomyia, but its affinities with these groups cannot be determined until all species and their life stages are known and have been thoroughly studied.

Bionomics and disease relations: 

Nothing is known about the bionomics of this taxon. The sole male of To. discors (holotype) was captured in a light trap at the edge of a stand of bamboo beside an agricultural field. The immature stages of this species probably develop in bamboo internodes.

The only species of subgenus Miyagiella is not of medical or economic importance to humans.


Sabah, Malaysian Borneo.

Principal references: 

Harbach & Culverwell, 2014 (new subgenus, subgenus and species description, comparative morphology, bionomics, distribution).


discors Harbach, 2014 (in Harbach & Culverwell, 2014)

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith