Wyeomyia dyari Lane & Cerqueira, 1942.
Subfamily Culicinae, genus Wyeomyia. Subgenus Cruzmyia includes four species. Subgenus abbreviation – Cru.
ADULTS ‒ Proboscis longer than forefemur; mesopostnotal setae present; paratergite without scales; lower mesokatepisternal setae not extending above dorsal margin of mesomeron; upper calypter of wing without marginal setae. MALE GENITALIA ‒ Tergum IX lobes weakly developed, widely separated, each with 3 or 4 stout apically blunt setae; gonocoxite without long setae except for long lateral seta, tergal triad not apparent; gonostylus with long narrow stem and rather small head comprising lobes M, AE and C, lobe C long and slender; aedeagus broadest in distal two-thirds, apical tergal arms not connected; paraproct with apical tooth, cercal setae present. LARVAE ‒ Setae 4‒7-C single, seta 5-C inserted anterior to seta 7-C; seta 1-A single, inserted on distal 0.25 of antenna; seta 3-Mx of maxilla not borne in lateral cup-like notch, seta 4-Mx single, truncate, seta 6-Mx branched; seta 14-C strongly developed, significantly longer than seta 15-C, inserted anterior to seta 15-C; seta 1-P with few branches, inserted mesal to setae 2,3-P; seta 4-P relatively short, multi-branched; seta 11-P,M,T short, hair-like; seta 8-T inserted anterior to sclerite bearing setae 9‒12-T; seta 13-T multi-branched, nearly as long as thorax; seta 1-I‒VII branched, similarly developed; seta 13-I inserted anterior to other ventral setae, 13-II,III inserted more or less on level with seta 7, 13-IV‒VI inserted distinctly posterior to seta 7; comb plate present, plate with posterior row of strong spine-like scales; siphon without pecten, seta 1-S inserted about 0.3 from base of siphon, setae la-S with relatively few elements in straight posterolateral row beyond level of seta 1-S, seta 2a-S in anterolateral and lateral rows with many and few setae respectively; saddle without posterolateral spicules; seta 4-X much shorter than setae 1‒3-X, multi-branched. PUPAE ‒ Cephalothorax and abdomen with darkly pigmented areas; seta 1-I strongly developed, dendritic; seta 2-II inserted lateral to seta 1, 2-III‒VII inserted anterior to setae 1 (at approximately mid-length of terga IV‒VI); seta 3-II inserted lateral and 3-III‒VI inserted anterior to seta 1; seta 6-II single, long, longer than following tergum, seta 6-VII inserted on tergum posteromesal to seta 9; paddle long, much longer than tergum VIII, gradually narrowed to apex, apex and lateral margins with minute spicules. See genus Wyeomyia.
The results of the morphology-based phylogenetic study of Motta et al. (2007) suggest that Cruzmyia is a basal lineage within Wyeomyia. Judd (1996) recovered Cruzmyia and Limatus as sister groups, also based on phylogenetic analysis of morphological data.
Larvae of Wy. dyari and Wy. forattinii have been found in bromeliads (Clastrier, 1974; Heinemann & Belkin, 1978, 1979) and larvae of the other two species of Cruzmyia probably also develop in bromeliads (Belkin et al., 1971). Nothing is known about the bionomics of the adults.
Species of subgenus Cruzmyia are only recorded from Brazil (Wy. dyari, Wy. kummi, Wy. mattinglyi), Colombia (Wy. kummi, Wy. mattinglyi) and French Guiana (Wy. forattinii).
Lane, 1953 (keys, subgenus and species descriptions, distributions); Judd, 1996 (morphology, phylogenetic relationships); Motta & Lourenço-de-Oliveira, 2005 (comparative morphology); Motta et al., 2007 (morphology, phylogenetic relationships).
dyari Lane & Cerqueira, 1942
forattinii Clastrier, 1974
kummi Lane & Cerqueira, 1942
mattinglyi Lane, 1953