Subgenus Topomyia Leicester, 1908

Type species: 

Topomyia minor Leicester, 1908.


Subfamily Culicinae, genus Topomyia. Subgenus Topomyia includes 45 species. Subgenus abbreviation – Top.


Subgenus Topomyia is currently defined solely by characters of the forelegs and genitalia of males (Thurman, 1959). As noted by Lee et al. (1988), the Australasian species of Topomyia cannot be placed with certainty in either subgenus Suaymyia or Topomyia based on these characters. Consequently, the following diagnosis may not apply to all species currently included in subgenus Topomyia, which may not be a monophyletic group.

DIAGNOSIS – Foretarsomere 2 as long as or shorter than foretarsomere 3 (unique); ungues equal and simple in both sexes (distinction from males of subgenus Miyagiella); tergum IX broad, with setae (unique); sternum IX with scales (distinction from subgenus Miyagiella) and setae; gonocoxite with conspicuous scales (distinction from subgenus Miyagiella), gonostylus usually attached apically (distinction from subgenus Miyagiella), attached subapically in To. gracilis, To. hardini, To. minor, To. pilosa and To. winter; gonostylar claw present (distinction from subgenus Miyagiella); claspette with dorsal lobe (unique); aedeagus elongate (distinction from subgenus Miyagiella); tergum X not evident (distinction from subgenus Miyagiella); paraproct developed as an independent elongate sclerite with pointed apex (unique); cercal setae present (distinction from subgenus Miyagiella and some species of subgenus Suaymyia). See genus Topomyia.

Phylogenetic relationships: 

The phylogeny and phylogenetic relationships of the species and subgenera of Topomyia have not been investigated.

Bionomics and disease relations: 

Little bionomical information is available for species of subgenus Topomyia. The species are associated with forests. The larvae of several species are apparently predatory but those of most species are browsers that develop in leaf axils with other larvae of the same or different species (Miyagi & Toma, 2010). The feeding habits of the adults are unknown. Females, if they are blood feeders, do not feed on humans. Adults are known to rest in deeply shaded places in forest.

No species of subgenus Topomyia are of medical or economic importance to humans.


Most species of subgenus Topomyia are recorded from southeastern areas of the Oriental Region (Cambodia, China, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam). Topomyia aureoventer, To. bifurcata and To. hirtusa are also recorded from India (To. aureoventer also from Nepal). Topomyia irianensis is the only formally described species of the subgenus with a distribution in the Australasian Region (Papua New Guinea and Biak Island, and the Maluku Islands (Ambon, Seram, Halmahera) of Indonesia.

Principal references: 

Thurman, 1959 (Thailand, taxonomy, species descriptions, keys, bionomics); Lee et al., 1988 (Australasian Region, taxonomy, literature, bionomics, distributions); Harbach & Peyton, 1993 (comparative morphology of larval maxillae); Rattanarithikul et al., 2007 (Thailand, bionomics, keys); Harbach & Culverwell, 2014 (comparative morphology).


aenea Thurman, 1959
aliyusopi Miyagi & Toma, 2014 (in Miyagi et al., 2014)
angkoris Klein, 1977
argyropalpis Leicester, 1908
aureoventer (Theobald, 1910)
baolini Gong, 1989
barbus Baisas, 1946
bifurcata Dong, Wang & Lu, 1995
cabrerai Miyagi, Toma & Rivera, 1983
chaii Miyagi & Toma, 2012 (in Miyagi et al., 2012)
danaraji Ramalingam, 1988
dejesusi Baisas & Feliciano, 1953
dubitans Leicester, 1908
gracilis Leicester, 1908
hardini Miyagi, Toma & Ramalingam, 1989
hernandoi Baisas & Feliciano, 1953
hirtusa Gong, 1989
inclinata Thurman, 1959
irianensis Miyagi & Toma, 1997
javaensis Miyagi & Toma, 1995
katibasensis Miyagi & Toma, 2012 (in Miyagi et al., 2012)
lindsayi Thurman, 1959
longisetosa Gong, 1994
malaysiensis Ramalingam & Banu, 1987
malaysisimilis Miyagi & Toma, 2023 (in Miyagi et al., 2023)
margina Gong & Lu, 1995
minor Leicester, 1908
murudensis Miyagi, Toma & Okazawa, 2021 (in Miyagi et al., 2021)
nicksoni Miyagi & Toma, 2012 (in Miyagi et al., 2012)
nigra Leicester, 1908
pilosa Brug, 1931
pseudobarbus Baisas, 1946
rubithoracis Leicester, 1908
sabahensis Ramalingam & Ramakrishna, 1988
sarawakensis Miyagi, Toma & Okazawa, 2021 (in Miyagi et al. 2021)
svastii Thurman, 1959
sylvatica Lu, Dong & Wang, 1986
tenuis Edwards, 1922
tipuliformis Leicester, 1908
trifida Edwards, 1922
unispinosa Thurman, 1959
vijayae Ramalingam, 1975
winter Dong, Wu & Mao, 2006
yongi Miyagi, Toma & Ramalingam, 1991
zhangi Gong, 1991

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith