Genus Johnbelkinia Zavortink, 1979

Type species: 

Johnbelkinia longipes (Fabricius, 1805), original combination: Culex longipes.


Subfamily Culicinae, tribe Sabethini. Johnbelkinia includes only three species. Genus abbreviation – Jb.


The adults of Johnbelkinia are distinguished from other members of tribe Sabethini in the New World by the following combination of characters: dorsal head scales with brilliant silver and blue reflections, proboscis distinctly longer than forefemur, scutal scales moderately broad and flat and dull to moderately iridescent, postpronotum with one or two posterior setae, lower mesokatepisternal setae usually not extended above lower edge of mesepimeron and mid- and hindtarsi with pale markings. Larvae are recognised by the presence of a normal circular occipital foramen (distinguishes Johnbelkinia from Isostomyia, Limatus, Phoniomyia, Sabethes, Runchomyia and most Wyeomyia) in combination with a long row of branched setae on the posterior midline of the siphon (distinguishes Johnbelkinia from Onirion, Shannoniana, Trichoprosopon and certain Wyeomyia). The presence of a maxillary bundle distinguishes Johnbelkinia from all New World genera except Runchomyia. See Sabethini.

Phylogenetic relationships: 

The affinities of Johnbelkinia with other sabethine genera are uncertain. Species of the genus share characteristics with species of other New World genera, especially Shannoniana, Runchomyia and Trichoprosopon. The phylogenetic relationships of the species of Johnbelkinia have not been investigated.

Bionomics and disease relations: 

The larvae of Johnbelkinia usually occur in the leaf axils and flower bracts of plants. They have been reported to be predacious on the larvae of Wyeomyia. The adults are forest mosquitoes. They are mainly active during the day. The females bite humans and other mammals.

Arboviruses have been isolated from Jn. ulopus in Trinidad and Colombia; hence, species of Johnbelkinia are considered to be potential vectors of pathogens of human diseases. Species of this genus are known to carry the eggs of the human bot fly, Dermatobia hominis.


Johnbelkinia occur from southern Mexico to coastal Ecuador, eastern Bolivia and the central coastal area of Brazil. Members of the genus are absent from the West Indies except Trinidad and Tobago.

Principal references: 

Zavortink, 1979 (new genus, systematics, genus and species descriptions, keys, bionomics, distributions); Harbach & Peyton, 1993 (comparative morphology of larval maxillae).


leucopus (Dyar & Knab, 1906)
longipes (Fabricius, 1805)
ulopus (Dyar & Knab, 1906)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith