
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. W. Meigen1818Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten
J. W. Meigen1804Klassifikazion und Beschreibung der europäischen Zweiflügeligen Insekten. (Diptera Linn.)
J. C. H. de Meijere1911Zur Kenntnis Niederländischer Culiciden
J. C. H. de Meijere1910Nepenthes-Tiere. I. Systematik
J. C. H. de Meijere1909Drei myrmecophile Dipteren aus Java
B. De Meillon1947New records and species of biting insects from the Ethiopian region. II
B. de Meillon1947The Anophelini of the Ethiopian geographical region
B. De Meillon1943New records, and new species of Nematocera (Diptera) from the Ethiopian region
B. De Meillon1942New Nematocera from the Ethiopian Region
B. De Meillon1935Entomological studies. Studies on insects of medical importance in South Africa ― Part II
B. de Meillon1934Entomological studies, studies on insects of medical importance in South Africa
B. De Meillon1931Illustrated keys to the full-grown larvae and adults of South African anopheline mosquitos [sic]
B. De Meillon1931A new South African anopheline
B. De Meillon, Evans A. M.1935Two new anophelines from South Africa
B. De Meillon, Lavoipierre M.1944New records and species of biting insects from the Ethiopian region
B. De Meillon, Leeson H. S.1940Notes on Ethiopian Anophelini
B. De Meillon, Parent, M., Black, L. O. ’C.1945Descriptions of new larvae and pupae of Ethiopian Culicini
B. De Meillon, de Carvalho Pereira M.1940Notes on some anophelines (Dipt. Culicidae) from Portuguese East Africa
B. De Meillon, Rebêlo A.1941Culicini (Diptera, Nematocera) from the Colony of Mocambique
B. de Meillon, van Eeden G.1976Anopheles (Cellia) deaconi n. sp., from South Africa (Diptera: Culicidae)
R. Melero-Alcíbar2005The pupae of Spanish Ochlerotatus II. Ochlerotatus rusticus (Rossi) (Diptera: Culicidae)
R. Melero-Alcíbar2004The pupae of Spanish Ochlerotatus I. Ochlerotatus quasirusticus (Diptera: Culicidae)
F. de Mello1918Anopheles folquei n. sp. (Nouvelle espècie anophéline trouvée dans notre province de Pragana)
J. B. Mendoza1947Two more Philippine Anopheles in the Myzorhynchus series
J. B. Mendoza1940New Anopheles of the Myzorhynchus series
J. H. Menees1958The maxilla and labium of the larva of Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say
C. H. Meng1962A new species of Aedes (Diptera, Culicidae). Aedes (Ochlerotatus) lasaensis sp. nov. [in Chinese]
C. H. Meng1958A new species of Culex [in Chinese]
C. - H. Meng1957The taxonomy, biology and control of Chinese anopheline mosquitoes
Q. Meng, Chen H.1980Arguments on the taxonomic positions of six species of Culex from China [in Chinese]
C. H. Meng, Wu C. Y.1962A new species of Theobaldia (Diptera, Culicidae) [in Chinese]
M. A. U. Menon1944On a new species of the subgenus Lophoceratomyia Theobald 1905 (Diptera Culicidae)
M. A. U. Menon1050The male of a new species of the subgenus Aëdes Meigen, 1818 (Diptera: Culicidae)
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F. Meunier1915Nouvelles recherches sur quelques insectes des plâtrières d'Aix en Provence
J. Miao, Pan, J., Jiang, W.1988Hybridization and chromosome observations on six species of the Anopheles hyrcanus group in China (Diptera: Culicidae) [in Chinese]
W. W. Middlekauff1944A new species of Aedes from Florida (Diptera: Culicidae)
F. Mihályi1955Aëdes hungaricus n. sp. (Culicidae, Diptera)
S. J. Miles, Green, C. A., Hunt, R. H.1983Genetic observations on the taxon Anopheles (Cellia) pharoensis Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae)
D. Miller1922A remarkable mosquito, Opifex fuscus, Hutton
B. R. Miller, Crabtree, M. B., Savage, H. M.1996Phylogeny of fourteen Culex mosquito species, including the Culex pipiens complex, inferred from the internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal DNA
J. Millot1949Classe des arachnides (Arachnida). I. – Morphologie générale et anatomie interne
F. N. Minkeu, Vernick K. D.2018A systematic review of the natural virome of Anopheles mosquitoes
M. Giaquinto-Mira1950Notes on the geographical distribution and biology of “Anophelinae” and “Culicinae” in Etiopia [sic]
M. Giaquinto Mira1931Una nueva especie de Anopheles en Guatemala: Anopheles hectoris mihi
L. Mirabello, Conn J. E.2008Population analysis using the nuclear white gene detects Pliocene/Pleistocene lineage divergence within Anopheles nuneztovari in South America
L. Mirabello, Conn J. E.2008Population analysis using the nuclear white gene detects Pliocene/Pleistocene lineage divergence within Anopheles nuneztovari in South America
A. Missiroli1935Nuova varietà di Anopheles maculipennis
E. G. Mitchell1907Validity of the culicid subfamily Deinoceritinae
E. G. Mitchell1906Mouth parts of mosquito larvae as indicative of habits


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith