
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
B. T. Lowne1892The anatomy, physiology, morphology, and development of the blowfly (Calliphora erythrocephala)
B. L. Lu1997Fauna Sinica, Insecta Vol. 8, Diptera: Culicidae 1
B. L. Lu1997Fauna Sinica, Insecta Vol. 9, Diptera: Culicidae II
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C. S. Ludlow1921A new Philippine mosquito (Diptera, Culicidae [sic])
C. S. Ludlow1920New Siberian Culicidae (Diptera) [sic]
C. S. Ludlow1920Siberian Anopheles
C. S. Ludlow1919New mosquitos [sic] from Panama
C. S. Ludlow1918Trichoprosopon Theobald (Diptera; Culicidae)
C. S. Ludlow1914A new aëdine
C. S. Ludlow1914Philippine mosquitoes
C. S. Ludlow1914A new anopheline
C. S. Ludlow1911The Philippine mosquitoes
C. S. Ludlow1911A new Alaskan mosquito
C. S. Ludlow1910Mosquito observations.―Continued
C. S. Ludlow1909Mosquito observations
C. S. Ludlow1909Mosquito comment
C. S. Ludlow1909New Philippine mosquitoes
C. S. Ludlow1908Mosquito notes.– No. 6
C. S. Ludlow1908The mosquitos [sic] of the Philippine Islands; the distribution of certain species, and their occurrence in relation to the incidence of certain diseases
C. S. Ludlow1907Mosquito notes.—No. 5.—Continued
C. S. Ludlow1906A new American mosquito
C. S. Ludlow1906An Alaskan mosquito
C. S. Ludlow1906Mosquito notes.—No. 4. (Continued.) [sic]
C. S. Ludlow1906Mosquito notes.– No. 5
C. S. Ludlow1905Mosquito notes.―No. 3
C. S. Ludlow1905A new North American Taeniorhynchus
C. S. Ludlow1905Mosquito notes―No. 4
C. S. Ludlow1904Mosquito notes.―No. 2
C. S. Ludlow1904Mosquito notes
C. S. Ludlow1904Concerning some Philippine mosquitoes
C. S. Ludlow1903Some Philippine mosquitoes
C. S. Ludlow1902Two Philippine mosquitoes
C. S. Ludlow1902Description of a new Anopheles
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P. - L. Luh, Lee B. S.1975Aedes (subgenus Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribálzaga) – new species and a description of our country's [China] Aedes dorsalis group [in Chinese]
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A. Lutz1928Estudios de zoología y parasitología venezolanas
A. Lutz1921Culicideos (systematica). Chave para os Culicideos
A. Lutz1905Novas especies de mosquitos do Brasil
A. Lutz, Neiva A.1913Contribuições para a biolojia das megarininas com descrições de duas especies novas
A. Lutz, Neiva A.1911Notas dipterolojicas. Dipterologische Mitteilungen
F. Lynch Arribálzaga1891Dipterología Argentina
F. Lynch Arribálzaga1891Dipterología Argentina


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith