Subgenus Afrorhynchus Ribeiro, 1992
Toxorhynchites lutescens (Theobald, 1901), original combination: Megarhinus lutescens.
Subfamily Culicinae, genus Toxorhynchites. Subgenus Afrorhynchus includes 19 species. Subgenus abbreviation – Afr.
Species of Toxorhynchites are extremely similar in all life stages; adult characters are used to characterise and distinguish the subgenera. ADULTS ‒ Maxillary palpus of females short, about 0.25 length of proboscis, apex rounded; antenna of females normal; integument of scutum mainly blackish, scales greenish; postpronotum and thoracic pleura mainly or entirely yellow; postpronotum and forecoxa with golden scales, contrasting with dark greenish scales of scutum; pleural scaling mainly white, lower mesokatepisternal and prealar scales golden; mesokatepisternum with or without 1 or 2 strong dark setae and some scattered weaker setae; laterotergite of abdominal segment I with few or no scales; terga II‒VIII with golden or purplish scaling on lateral margins, lateral tufts of terga VI‒VIII golden, red or orange; halter with yellow capitellum; sterna golden-scaled; femora golden-scaled ventrally; hindtibia with patch of whitish scales on distal third of dorsal surface; hindtarsomere 1 with indication of narrow white ring some distance from base, hindtarsomere 2 entirely dark-scaled, hindtarsomere 3 with basal white ring; midungues of males small, equal, simple. MALE GENITALIA ‒ Gonocoxite noticeably widened at mid-length, with very long and stout setae on inner surface; gonostylus dark, gonostylar claw inserted at right angle to gonostylus, very long, nearly one-third length of gonostylus; aedeagus with wide dorsal aedeagal bridge; paraproct with unsclerotised transverse band. LARVAE and PUPAE ‒ Poorly studied or unknown, known larvae of some species are indistinguishable based on currently incomplete descriptions. See genus Toxorhynchites.
The phylogenetic relationships of Afrorhynchus have not been investigated, but see Ribeiro (2004) for comments on affinities.
Larvae of species of subgenus Afrorhynchus have been found in cut and bored bamboo, leaf axils and tree holes. See Steffan & Evenhuis (1981) and Collins & Blackwell (2000) for details of Toxorhynchites biology.
Afrotropical Region. The distributions of the species are poorly known. Most species are known from only one or two countries.
Edwards, 1941 (Group B lutescens group, adults of Tx. aeneus, Tx. erythrurus, Tx. lutescens and Tx. viridibasis; pupae of Tx. aeneus and Tx. erythrurus); Hopkins, 1952 (larvae of Tx. aeneus, Tx. kaimosi, Tx. nairobiensis, Tx. ruwenzori and Tx. viridibasis); Steffan & Evenhuis, 1981 (as subgenus Toxorhynchites in part, Tx. aeneus, Tx. erythrurus, Tx. kaimosi, Tx. lutescens, Tx. nairobiensis, Tx. pauliani, Tx. ruwenzori and Tx. viridibasis, biology); Service, 1990 (in part, keys and descriptions of adults and larvae of species listed for Steffan & Evenhuis, 1981); Ribeiro, 1992 (subgeneric status, description, adult key to subgenera of Toxorhynchites); Ribeiro, 2004 (Madagascar, keys, descriptions, evolution).
aeneus (Evans, 1926)
angolensis Ribeiro, 1992
brunhesi Ribeiro, 2004
capelai Ribeiro, 1992
erythrurus (Edwards, 1941)
fontenillei Ribeiro, 2004
grjebinei Ribeiro, 2004
helenae Ribeiro, 1992
kaimosi (van Someren, 1946)
lemuriae Ribeiro, 2004
lutescens (Theobald, 1901)
madagascarensis Ribeiro, 2004
nairobiensis (van Someren, 1946)
nigeriensis Ribeiro, 2005
pauliani (Doucet, 1951)
ruwenzori (van Someren, 1948)
viridibasis (Edwards, 1935)
wolfsi Ribeiro, 2005
zairensis Ribeiro, 2005