Subgenus Zinzala Zavortink, 1986
Wyeomyia zinzala Zavortink, 1986.
Subfamily Culicinae, genus Wyeomyia. Subgenus Zinzala includes two species. Subgenus abbreviation – Zin.
ADULTS ‒ Not currently definitely distinguishable from other subgenera of Wyeomyia, but bearing the following possible differential characters: interocular space broad, scutum with metallic purple, gold, bronze and blue scaling, mesepimeron without scales, abdominal sterna largely or completely without dark scales; proboscis shorter than forefemur, gradually swollen distally; mesopostnotal setae present; paratergite without scales; lower mesokatepisternal setae not extending above dorsal margin of mesomeron; upper calypter of wing without marginal setae. MALE GENITALIA ‒ Tergum IX lobes produced; gonocoxite short, with numerous long setae; gonocoxite short, broad, with numerous long strong setae; gonostylus with short stem, lobe C apparently not developed; aedeagus large, broad, complex, with apical pair of fine divergent ‘horns’; proctiger normal, cercal setae absent. LARVAE ‒ Head elongate; setae 5,6-C usually single or double, 6-C inserted anterior to seta 7-C; seta 1-A branched, inserted near apex of antenna; maxilla longer than broad, with strong apical tooth, seta 4-Mx single, as long as or longer than maxillary brush, hypostomal sclerite present, bearing single or branched seta 6-Mx; seta 14-C very strongly developed, stellate, inserted slightly if at all anterior to seta 12-C; seta 15-C stellate but much smaller than seta 14-C, inserted far caudad on labiogula; setae 0-P, 1,8,11-P,M,T, 3-P, 14-P,M, 5-M, 4-T and 13-T strongly stellate with numerous branches, seta 13-T about as long as thorax; seta 7-M weakly developed, single or branched; seta 8-T inserted anterior to setae 9‒12-T; setae 1,2,5,9,13-I‒VII, 11-I and 1-VIII strongly stellate with numerous branches; seta 13-I inserted far anterior to seta 7, 13-II‒VI inserted slightly anterior to seta 7; comb plate absent, comb a single long row of close-set spine-like scales; siphon without pecten, seta 1-S single or double, inserted near base of siphon, more or less in line with straight row of single seta la-S, seta 2a-S also a straight row of single setae; saddle nearly complete, narrowly incomplete ventrally; seta 4-X stellate, much shorter than setae 1‒3-X. PUPAE ‒ Cephalothorax and abdomen without spots; trumpet slightly flattened, not laterally expanded; seta 13-CT often present; seta 1-I weakly developed, with 1‒6 branches; seta 2-II‒VII inserted near mid-length of tergum lateral to insertion of seta 1; seta 6-II single, about as long as seta 7, seta 6-VII inserted on sternum ventrad of seta 9-VII; paddle short, length <1.5 greatest width, extending slightly beyond apex of genital lobe, apex fringed with minute spicules. See genus Wyeomyia.
Subgenus Zinzala was recovered as the sister to Wy. (Wyeomyia) arthrostigma the phylogenetic study of Sabethini conducted by Judd (1996) based on analysis of morphological data using successive approximations character weighting. The subgenus was not represented in the phylogenetic study of genus Wyeomyia conducted by Motta et al. (2007). Zavortink (1986) noted that the affinities of the subgenus were not obvious ‒ resemblance of the adults to those of other subgenera of Wyeomyia are superficial and the unusual male genitalia “offer no clue as to the relationships of the subgenus”.
The immature stages of Zinzala develop in insectivorous pitcher-plants of genus Heliamphora. Adult females are autogenous. Little else is known about the biology of the species.
The two species of subgenus Zinzala are only known from the Gran Sabana region of southeastern Bolivar State, Venezuela. The subgenus is probably restricted to the Guyana Highland where the host plants (genus Heliamphora) of the immature stages are endemic.
Zavortink, 1986 (new subgenus, subgenus and species descriptions, keys, distributions, bionomics); Harbach & Peyton, 1990 (comparative morphology).
fishi Zavortink, 1986
zinzala Zavortink, 1986