Subgenus Prosopolepis Lutz, 1905
Wyeomyia confusa (Lutz, 1905), original combination: Prosopolepis confusa.
Subfamily Culicinae, genus Wyeomyia. Subgenus Prosopolepis is monobasic. Subgenus abbreviation – Prl.
The most distinctive features of Prosopolepis are found in the immature stages, particularly the larvae. ADULTS ‒ Ornamentation and structural detail very similar to adults of other species of Wyeomyia; distinctive characters include clypeus largely covered with scales, translucent scales covering most of proepisternum between forecoxae, an elongate patch of scales extending from laterotergite along posterior edge of metapostnotum, and presence of a few large, scale-like setae on cerci of females. Proboscis shorter than forefemur, expanded distally; mesopostnotal setae present, scales absent; paratergite without scales; lower mesokatepisternal setae not extending above dorsal margin of mesomeron; upper calypter of wing without marginal setae. MALE GENITALIA ‒ Tergum IX lobes small, distinctly separated, each with 3‒5 short flattened setae; gonocoxite with 2 long tergomesal setae; gonostylus large, broad, lobe C long, slender, arising from sternolateral edge of lobe M; aedeagus slightly longer than broad, broadest in proximal 0.5, submedian tergal arms fused, forming narrow median tergal bridge, apical tergal arms fused, forming slightly produced apical tergal bridge; proctiger with broad basal sclerotisation (tergum X), paraproct with flattened fan-like process on sternal margin at base, cercal setae present. LARVAE ‒ Lateralia with denticles near dorsolateral slit of occipital foramen; pair of seta 1-C close together; seta 5-C inserted very near seta 6-C and both inserted slightly anterior to seta 7-C; seta 1-A single, inserted near apex of antenna; maxilla highly modified for grasping, very long, slender, projecting far beyond anterior margin of head, seta 4-Mx present, spine-like, maxillary brush, other setae and laciniarastra absent, maxillary palpus highly reduced, borne (fused) dorsally at base of maxillary body; seta 14-C well developed, much longer than seta 15-C, inserted anterior to setae 12,15-C; seta 1-P single, longer than setae 2,3-P; seta 4-P relatively short, multi-branched, fan-like; seta 11-P,M,T single, spine-like; seta 7-M weakly developed, branched, similar to seta 13-M; seta 8-T inserted immediately anterior to sclerite bearing setae 9‒12-T; seta 13-T strongly developed, multi-branched, about as long as thorax; seta 1-I,II small, multi-branched, seta 1-III,IV small, single, 1-V,VI much longer, double or triple; seta 2-I‒VII inserted mesad of seta 1; seta 9-I‒VI short, single; seta 13-I,II inserted far anterior to seta 7, 13-I‒VI single, inserted anteriorly at level of seta 7; comb plate absent, comb with 12‒27 spine-like scales in uneven single or partially double row, some scales fused basally in pairs to form a forked composite; siphon with 3‒9 pecten spines on either side of seta 1a-S on distal 0.5 of siphon, seta 2a-S comprised of frayed and branched setae; seta 4-X multi-branched, shorter than setae 1‒3-X, about 0.6 length of seta 1-X. PUPAE ‒ Cephalothorax and abdomen unspotted; seta l-CT sigmoid with hooked tip; seta 2-II‒VII near posterior margin of tergum, inserted mesad of seta 1; seta 3-VII inserted more or less on level with seta 1; seta 6-II very long, extending well beyond posterior margin of segment III, 6-VII inserted on dorsal surface of segment anterolateral to seta 9; seta 9-VIII strongly developed, considerably longer than paddle; paddle short, only slightly longer than segment VIII, evenly tapered from base, tip more or less pointed, surface spiculose, margins lined with spicules. See genus Wyeomyia.
Wyeomyia confusa was recovered as the sister of Wy. melanocephala + Onirion personatum in the phylogenetic study of Motta et al. (2007) based on morphological data. The relationship was supported by three synapomorphies ‒ larval seta 13-I single, seta 1-VIII branched and tergum VIII of the pupa bearing a posterolateral lobe ‒ but the relationship was only weakly supported (bootstrap <50%). The true phylogenetic relationships of Prosopolepis remain unknown.
The immature stages of the sole species of subgenus Prosopolepis have only been found in the leaf axils of Heliconia species and plants of the family Marantaceae, such as species of Calathea. Davis (1944) reported the finding of larvae of this species in bamboo internodes and the leaf axils of a cultivated aroid (Arum esculentum, family Araceae), but this requires confirmation. The larvae exhibit aggressive and predacious behaviour. Females have been collected landing on humans in forest, more frequently at ground level than in the canopy. Females may also bite humans and animals in cleared areas close to forest, but they rarely invade peridomestic environments (see references in Lourenço-de-Oliveira et al., 1999).
Wyeomyia confusa is only recorded from Brazil. The species seems to be confined to the Atlantic rain forests, mainly between latitudes of 8‒30° S.
Lourenço-de-Oliveira et al., 1999 (subgeneric status, taxonomy, taxonomy, description, bionomics, distribution); Motta & Lourenço-de-Oliveira, 2005 (comparative morphology); Motta et al., 2007 (morphology, phylogenetic relationships).
confusa (Lutz, 1905)