Subgenus Antunesmyia Lane & Cerqueira, 1942
Wyeomyia alani Lane & Cerqueira, 1957 [replacement name for Wyeomyia rooti Lane & Cerqueira, 1942, preoccupied by Wyeomyia rooti (del Ponte, 1939)].
Subfamily Culicinae, genus Wyeomyia. Subgenus Antunesmyia includes three species. Subgenus abbreviation – Ant.
Antunesmyia is poorly known, the male, larva and pupa are known only for Wy. alani; the following is based principally on the morphology of that species. ADULTS ‒ Proboscis short, expanded distally; scutum dark-scaled; mesopostnotum with scales; paratergite without scales; antepronotum dark-scaled dorsally, pale-scaled ventrally; lower mesokatepisternal setae extending above dorsal margin of mesomeron; upper calypter of wing without marginal setae. MALE GENITALIA ‒ Sternum VIII with posterolateral digitiform processes with row of long setae on inner margin and several thick peg-like setae on narrowed apex; tergum IX lobes small, distinctly separated, each with close-set row of thick tapered setae; gonocoxite elongate, distally attenuated, with long tergal triad; gonostylus with long narrow stem and well-developed distal setose lobes; aedeagus broad, width about two-thirds length, apical tergal arms fused (forming an apical tergal bridge); proctiger with distinct apical teeth, cercal setae present. LARVAE ‒ Setae 4‒6-C single, widely separated, seta 5-C inserted far posterior to level of seta 7-C, seta 6-C inserted anterior to 7-C approximately midway between 7-C and seta 4-C; seta 1-A single, flexible, inserted on distal third of antenna; seta 3-Mx of maxilla not borne in lateral cup-like notch, seta 4-Mx forked, seta 6-Mx branched; seta 11-P,M,T single, 11-P,M piliform, 11-T spiniform; comb plate present, comb scales large, spine-like, borne in single row on posterior margin of plate; siphon without pecten, seta 1-S branched, inserted near mid-length of siphon, seta la-S represented by 1 or 2 small posterolateral setae near apex of siphon, seta 2a-S with 2 small anterolateral setae near mid-length of siphon; saddle with large spine-like spicules on posterolateral margins; seta 4-X multi-branched, long, nearly as long as seta 1-X. PUPAE ‒ Cephalothorax and abdomen without spots; trumpet short, broad, slightly expanded basally; seta 2-III‒VII inserted mesal to seta 1; seta 6-VII inserted on sternum ventrad of seta 9-VII; seta 9-VII,VIII strongly developed; paddle short, shorter than tergum VIII, acutely narrowed distally, triangular, apex spiculate. See genus Wyeomyia.
Antunesmyia, represented by Wy. Alani, was recovered as the sister to subgenus Miamyia in the morphology-based phylogeny of genus Wyeomyia generated in the study of Motta et al. (2007).
The holotype female of Wy. flavifacies was reared from a larva taken from a bromeliad (Edwards, 1922; Belkin, 1968). Belkin et al. (1971) stated that larvae of Wy. alani “probably inhabit bamboo”, and Motta et al. (2007) mentioned that larvae of subgenera Antunesmyia and Wyeomyia “inhabit bamboo-internode habitats”. Nothing is known about the bionomics of the adults.
Species of subgenus Antunesmyia are only recorded from Brazil (Wy. alani, Wy. flavifacies), Colombia (Wy. colombiana, Wy. flavifacies) and Guyana (Wy. flavifacies).
Lane, 1953 (keys, species descriptions, distributions); Motta et al., 2007 (morphology, phylogenetic relationships).
alani Lane & Cerqueira, 1957
colombiana Lane, 1945
flavifacies Edwards, 1922