Subgenus Theomyia Edwards, 1930
Culiseta fraseri (Edwards, 1914), original combination: Leptosomatomyia fraseri.
Subfamily Culicinae, genus Culiseta. Subgenus Theomyia is monobasic. Subgenus abbreviation – Thm.
The following combinations of characters distinguish subgenus Theomyia from the other subgenera of Culiseta. ADULTS – Maxillary palpus and proboscis dark-scaled, palpus of males very short, about 0.5 length of proboscis, slender, without setae; scutum with narrow pale scales forming an indefinite pattern of broad lines; antepronotum with narrow pale scales anteriorly, broad silvery scales posteriorly; prespiracular setae rather numerous; postspiracular area without scales; subcostal setae absent; mediocubital and radiomedial crossveins approximated; hindtarsus with pale ring at base of first tarsomere; laterotergite of abdominal segment I without scales. MALE GENITALIA – Ninth tergal lobes prominent, well separated, each with cluster of apical setae; gonocoxite elongate, tapering to apex; gonostylus long, slender; basal mesal lobe appressed to gonocoxite, crescentiform (ridge-like), with row of several setae on crest; aedeagus relatively large, strongly sclerotised; paraproct with 2 or 3 apical teeth. LARVAE – Head very large, broad; antenna short, about 0.25 length of head, stout, seta 1-S inserted slightly beyond mid-length of shaft, setae 2,3-A single, inserted on apex; thorax with pair of large thin-walled air sacs; comb of segment VIII with approximately 50 scales in triangular patch; siphon long, slightly tapered, very strongly tanned, index greater than 7; pecten comprised of about 25 bifid spines borne on proximal third of siphon; seta 1-S single, inserted at base of siphon, setae 1a-S and 2a-S absent; saddle complete, very strongly tanned, seta 1-X single, about 0.5 length of saddle; setae 2,3-X both very long, single; ventral brush (seta 4-X) with 8 pairs of long setae on grid, no precratal setae. PUPAE ‒ Trumpet short, with large oblique opening; seta 9-VIII with 6‒8 branches; paddle broadest distally, slightly emarginate distal to midrib, outer part broader than inner part, outer margin serrate; setae 1,2-Pa both absent. See genus Culiseta.
The phylogenetic relationships of Theomyia have not been investigated. Maslov (1967, 1989) hypothesised that the subgenus is an early offshoot of the lineage that later successively gave rise to subgenera Austrotheobaldia, Neotheobaldia, Climacura and Culicella.
Culiseta fraseri, the sole species of subgenus Theomyia, is a forest dweller. Females feed on reptiles, birds and mammals, including humans who enter their haunts. The immature stages normally develop in tree holes, but larvae have been found on occasion in other habitats (Service, 1990).
Culiseta fraseri is not known to be of medical importance to humans.
Sub-Saharan Africa. Culiseta fraseri is recorded from Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, DR Congo, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, São Tomé and Principe, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
Edwards, 1941 (as subgenus of Theobaldia, adults, distribution); Hopkins, 1952 (as subgenus of Theobaldia, larvae, bionomics); van Someren, 1956 (pupae); Maslov, 1967, 1989 (as genus, taxonomy, identification, adults, larvae, distribution, bionomics); Service, 1990 (Afrotropical Region, identification, adults, larvae, bionomics, distribution).
fraseri (Edwards, 1914)