Aedes damzeni Szadziewski, 1998.
Subfamily Culicinae, tribe Aedini. Eoaedes includes a single extinct (fossil) species described from a male embedded in Baltic amber from Poland. Genus abbreviation – Eo.
ADULT MALES: Darkly ornamented species; antenna longer than proboscis; palpomere 5 of maxillary palpus short, about 0.4 length of palpomere 4; wing with narrow scales, vein R2+3 less than half length of vein R2; foretarsomere 5 with a prominent setose lobe ventrally at base; fore- and midungues long, unequal, longer one with tooth, hindungues short, simple, equal; gonocoxite slender, with long apical spine; claspette elongate with an apical sickle-like appendage (as in extant Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribálzaga); proctiger barely visible; aedeagus? (Szadziewski, 1998: fig. 3b,c) similar to aedeagus of some subgenera of Aedes, e.g. Aedimorphus. Eoaedes damzeni was originally described as a species of Aedes (Finlaya). The absence of spotted wings precludes it from being included in Finlaya.
Based on the distinctions and other information contained in the descriptions and illustrations of Szadziewski (1998) and Podėnas (1999), the affinities of Eoaedes with other genera of tribe Aedini (extinct or extant) are uncertain.
The single known species is from Baltic amber (Poland).
Szadziewski, 1998 (as species of Aedes subgenus Finlaya; ♂*); Podėnas, 1999 (as species of Aedes; ♂*; key to aedine species in Baltic amber).
damzeni (Szadziewski, 1998) (33.9–56.0 Mya, Cenozoic, Eocene)