Genus Neoculicites Evenhuis, 1994

Type species: 

Culicites depereti Meunier, 1915 (automatically fixed type of a replacement name).


Subfamily Culicinae, tribe Culicini. Neoculicites includes three extinct (fossil) species. Genus abbreviation – Ne.


The nominal species assigned to this genus are based on females described as having the appearance of Culex mosquitoes. The authors provided illustrations (poor) in lieu of written descriptions. See Culicini.

Phylogenetic relationships: 


Bionomics and disease relations: 



The fossil species are known from France and Germany.

Principal references: 

Evenhuis, 1994 (replacement name; transfer of species from Culicites Meunier, 1915, preoccupied).


arvernensis (Piton, 1936) (23.0–33.9 Mya, Cenozoic, Oligocene)
ceyx (von Heyden, 1870) (23.0–28.4 Mya, Cenozoic, Late Oligocene)
depereti (Meunier, 1915) (23.0–28.4 Mya, Cenozoic, Late Oligocene)

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith