Revision of Subgenus Barraudius Edwards, 1921 from Wed, 2013-03-13 15:24

Type species: 

Culex pusillus Macquart, 1850.


Subfamily Culicinae, genus Culex (see Culex Classification, Subgenus Barraudius). Subgenus Barraudius includes four species.


ADULTS - Small yellowish-brown mosquitoes; vertex of head with narrow scales only; proboscis shorter than forefemur, entirely dark-scaled; maxillary palpus with 3 palpomeres in females (palpomere 4 vestigial or absent), 5 in males; acrostichal setae and dorsocentral setae present; thoracic pleura with distinct pale scale-patches; lower mesepimeral seta present; tarsi entirely dark-scaled, foretarsomere 5 equal or longer than tarsomere 4, hindtarsomere 1 distinctly shorter than tibia; abdominal terga dark-scaled but basolateral pale patches may be present. MALE GENITALIA - Tergum IX lobes poorly developed, widely separated, with setae; gonocoxite with scales; subapical lobe median in position, divided, each division bearing 1-3 specialised setae of uncertain homology; gonostylus simple, tapered distally, with rather long claw at apex; phallosome elongate, lateral plate narrow, tapered, apically pointed and bent laterad; paraproct with crown of numerous short thorn-like spicules, basal lateral arm not developed; cercal setae present. LARVAE - Palatal brushes normal; seta 1-A large, distad of middle of antenna; seta 4-C single, setae 4,5,6-C inserted at mid-length of head capsule, seta 3-P nearly as long as setae 1,2-P; seta 8-P well develop, double; seta 7-I subequal to seta 6-I, seta 7-II small, similar to 7-III-V, seta 7-VI single; siphon moderately long, pecten spines long and slender, seta 1-S with 8-11 long multi-branched elements in posterior zigzag row extending from within pecten to apex; saddle complete; seta 2-X with 2 or 3 branches, seta 3-X single, longer than seta 2-X; ventral brush (seta 4-X) with 5.5-6.5 pairs of long setae inserted on grid. PUPAE - Setae of cephalothorax generally short, subequal; seta 6-I longer than seta 7-I; 5-IV-VI shorter or slightly longer than following tergum; seta 1-Pa and seta 2-Pa present. See Genus Culex.

Bionomics and disease relations: 

Immature stages inhabit a variety of ground-water habitats, especially brackish water marshes, swamps and rice fields. Females are known to bite humans and domesticated animals during day and night.


Palaearctic (principally) and Afrotropical Regions.

inatomii Kamimura & Wada, 1974
modestus Ficalbi, 1890
pusillus Macquart, 1850
richeti Brunhes & Venhard, 1966

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith