
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
H. G. Dyar1905Remarks on genitalic genera in the Culicidae
D. W. Coquillett1906A classification of the mosquitoes of North and Middle America
O. G. Cruz1906Um novo genero da sub-familia «Anophelina»
H. G. Dyar1906On the classification of the Culicidae
H. G. Dyar, Knab F.1906The larvae of Culicidae classified as independent organisms
D. W. Coquillett1906Five new Culicidae from the West Indies
E. G. Mitchell1906Mouth parts of mosquito larvae as indicative of habits
D. W. Coquillett1906New Culicidae from the West Indies and Central America
M. Grabham1906Notes on some mosquitoes from Newcastle, Jamaica
F. V. Theobald1906Report on economic entomology. Part I. Second report on the mosquitoes or Culicidae of the Sudan
C. S. Banks1906A list of Philippine Culicidae with descriptions of some new species
H. G. Dyar, Knab F.1906Notes on some American mosquitoes with descriptions of new species
E. Ventrillon1906Stegomyia cartroni, culicide nouveau de Madagascar
M. Grabham1906Four new Culicidae from Jamaica, West Indies
C. S. Ludlow1906A new American mosquito
H. G. Dyar, Knab F.1906Diagnoses of new species of mosquitoes
C. S. Ludlow1906An Alaskan mosquito
H. G. Dyar, Knab F.1906The species of mosquitoes in the genus Megarhinus
A. Neiva1906Uma nova especie de anophelina brazileira
M. Neveu-Lemaire1906Étude des culicides africains
E. Ventrillon1906Culex nouveaux de Madagascar
C. S. Banks1906A new genus and species of Culicidae
D. W. Coquillett1906On the breaking-up of the old genus Culex
D. W. Coquillett1906A new Culex near curriei
G. M. Giles1906Mosquito notes. I.―Note on a small collection of mosquitoes from Barhain [sic] in northern Arabia (shores of Persian Gulf)
J. A. Grossbeck1906Notes on Culex squamiger, Coq., with description of a closely-allied species
C. S. Ludlow1906Mosquito notes.—No. 4. (Continued.) [sic]
C. S. Ludlow1906Mosquito notes.– No. 5
F. V. Theobald1906A new Megarhinus
[E. ] Ventrillon1906Cellia tananariviensis. Culicide nouveau de Madagascar, 9e genre de la sous-famille des Anophelina
M. Bezzi1906Ditteri Eritrei raccolti dal Dott. Andreini e dal Prof. Tellini
S. R. Christophers1906On the importance of larval characters in the classification of mosquitoes
J. Aiken, Rowland E. D.1906Preliminary notes on the mosquitoes of British Guiana
A. D. Imms1907On the larval and pupal stages of Anopheles maculipennis, Meigen
F. V. Theobald1907A monograph of the Culicidae or mosquitoes
R. Newstead, Dutton, J. E., Todd, J. L.1907Insects and other Arthropoda collected in the Congo Free State
H. G. Dyar, Knab F.1907Descriptions of some American mosquitoes
M. Grabham1907Notes on some new mosquitoes from Jamaica, West Indies
H. G. Dyar1907Report on the mosquitoes of the coast region of California, with descriptions of new species
H. G. Dyar, Knab F.1907Descriptions of new mosquitoes from the Panama Canal Zone
H. G. Dyar, Knab F.1907Descriptions of three new North American mosquitoes
C. Chagas1907Novas especies de culicidos brazileiros
K. Grünberg1907Ein neuer Toxorhynchites aus Kamerun. (Dipt.)
F. Knab1907A new species of Megarhinus
C. S. Ludlow1907Mosquito notes.—No. 5.—Continued
H. G. Dyar, Knab F.1907New American mosquitoes
E. Hill, Haydon L. G.1907A contribution to the study of the characteristics of larvae of species of Anophelina in South Africa
F. Knab1907A new genus and species of sabethid mosquito
R. Blanchard1907Le paludisme a Madagascar
O. G. Cruz1907Um novo genero brazileiro da sub-familia “Anophelinae”


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith