
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
F. Walker1858Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected in the Aru Islands by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species
F. Walker1857Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species
F. Walker1856Insecta Saundersiana: or characters of undescribed insects in the collection of William Wilson Saunders, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Vol. I. Diptera
F. Walker1848List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part I
F. Walker1848List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part I
J. Waltl1835Reise durch Tyrol, Oberitalien und Piemont nach dem südlichen Spainen ... nebst einem Anhánge zoologischen Inhalts
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H. - H. Wang, Feng C. - Y.1964Description of three new species of Culex (Lophoceratomyia) [in Chinese]
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G. Wang, Li, C., Guo, X., Xing, D., Dong, Y., Zhao, T.2014Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the subgenera Anopheles and Cellia (Diptera: Culicidae) based on nuclear ribosomal sequences
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X. - X. Wang1984Description of a new Culex species (Diptera: Culicidae) [in Chinese]
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R. A. Ward1992Third supplement to “A catalog of the mosquitoes of the world” (Diptera: Culicidae)
R. A. Ward1984Second supplement to “A catalog of the mosquitoes of the world” (Diptera: Culicidae)
R. A. Ward1979Corrections in the nomenclature of three anophelines (Diptera: Culicidae)
C. O. Waterhouse1905Notes on some British Culicidae [sic]
M. Watson1910A new anopheline from the Federated Malay States
B. L. Wattal, Bhatia, M. L., Kalra, N. L.1958Some new records of culicines of Dehra Dun (Uttar Pradesh) with a description of a new variety
B. L. Wattal, Kalra N. L.1965An entomological survey of Dehra Dun Valley (Uttar Pradesh). Part II: Description of Culex (Culiciomyia) ramakrishnii sp. n., and allotype (♂) of Uranotaenia maculipleura Leicester, 1908
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M. P. Weinbren, Weinbren B. M.1970Observations on the mosquito population in the irradiated forest at El Verde
J. Bonne-Wepster1951Anopheles venhuisi n. sp. [sic]
J. Bonne-Wepster1951Notes on Oriental and Australasian mosquitoes of the Malay Archipelago
J. Bonne-Wepster1948Results of the third Archbold Expedition 1938–1939. Diptera Culicidae [sic]. Notes on the mosquitoes collected by the Neth. Indian ― American expedition to Central and North New Guinea
J. Bonne-Wepster1940Notes on mosquitoes from the Netherlands Indies: A new Finlaya from New-Guinea
J. Bonne-Wepster1938Notes on mosquitoes from the Netherlands Indies. A new Culex from New Guinea: Culex (Culex) solitarius nov. sp. Description of male terminalia of Culex (C) miraculosus B.-W.
J. Bonne-Wepster1937Notes on mosquitoes from the Netherlands Indies. A new Culex and two new Finlaya’s from New-Guinea
J. Bonne-Wepster1934New mosquitos [sic] (Dipt.) from the Netherlands Indies
J. Bonne-Wepster1930The genus Taeniorhynchus Arribalzaga in the Dutch East Indies. Part II. Subgenus Coquillettidia Dyar
J. Bonne-Wepster, Bonne C.1923A new Megarhinus from Surinam (Diptera, Culicidae [sic])
J. Bonne-Wepster, Bonne C.1921Notes on South American mosquitoes in the British Museum (Diptera, Culicidae [sic])
J. Bonne-Wepster, Bonne C.1920Diagnoses of new mosquitoes from Surinam, with a note on synonymy (Diptera, Culicidae) [sic]
J. Bonne-Wepster, Bonne C.1919Four new South American mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae [sic])
J. Bonne-Wepster, Brug S. L.1932The subgenus Stegomyia in Netherland India
J. Bonne-Wepster, Swellengrebel N. H.1953The anopheline mosquitoes of the Indo-Australian Region
C. Wesenberg-Lund1921Contributions to the biology of the Danish Culicidae
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D. O. Westwood1835Insectorum nonnullorum novum (ex ordine Dipterorum) descriptiones
H. Weyenbergh1882Los habitantes del Río Primero
R. H. Wharton1962The biology of Mansonia mosquitoes in relation to the transmission of filariasis in Malaya
R. H. Wharton1947Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae). Part VII. The genus Harpagomyia
G. B. White1985Anopheles bwambae sp.n., a malaria vector in the Semliki Valley, Uganda, and its relationships with other sibling species of the An. gambiae complex (Diptera: Culicidae)
G. B. White1980Family Culicidae
G. B. White1980Family Culicidae
G. B. White1978Systematic reappraisal of the Anopheles maculipennis complex
G. B. White1975Notes on a catalogue of Culicidae of the Ethiopian Region
G. B. White1974Priority of Ingramia Edwards, 1912, over Ravenalites Doucet, 1957 as the name for a subgenus of Mimomyia Theobald, 1903 (Diptera: Culicidae)
G. B. White, Faust C.2014Appendix 4, Medical Acarology and Entomology


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith