
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
B. A. Harrison1980Medical entomology studies – XIII. The Myzomyia Series of Anopheles (Cellia) in Thailand, with emphasis on intra-interspecific variations (Diptera: Culicidae)
B. A. Harrison1973Anopheles (An.) reidi, a new species of the barbirostris species complex from Sri Lanka (Diptera: Culicidae)
B. A. Harrison1972A new interpretation of affinities within the Anopheles hyrcanus complex of Southeast Asia
B. A. Harrison, Byrd, B. D., Sither, C. B., Whitt, P. B.2016The Mosquitoes of the Mid-Atlantic Region: An Identification Guide
B. A. Harrison, Rattanarithikul, R., Peyton, E. L., Mongkolpanya, K.1991Taxonomic changes, revised occurrence records and notes on the Culicidae of Thailand and neighboring countries
B. A. Harrison, Ruiz-Lopez, F., Falero, G. C., Savage, H. M., Pecor, J. E., Wilkerson, R. C.2012Anopheles (Kerteszia) lepidotus (Diptera: Culicidae), not the malaria vector we thought it was: Revised male and female morphology; larva, pupa, and male genitalia characters; and molecular verification
B. A. Harrison, Scanlon J. E.1975Medical entomology studies – II. The subgenus Anopheles in Thailand (Diptera: Culicidae)
B. A. Harrison, Scanlon J. E.1974Anopheles (An.) pilinotum, a new species name in the aitkenii complex for An. insulaeflorum from the Philippines and eastern Indonesia (Diptera: Culicidae)
B. A. Harrison, Scanlon, J. E., Reid, J. A.1973A new synonymy and new species name in the Southeast Asian Anopheles hyrcanus complex
B. A. Harrison, Varnado, W., Whitt, P. B., Goddard, J.2008New diagnostic characters for females of Psorophora (Janthinosoma) species in the United States, with notes on Psorophora mexicana (Bellardi) (Diptera: Culicidae)
S. Hatori1901Species of Anopheles from Formosa
W. E. Haworth1924Mosquitoes and coconut palms. A mosquito survey of palm trees in East Africa and the problems resulting therefrom
E. Hearle1927A new Canadian mosquito (Culicidae)
E. Hearle1923A new mosquito from British Columbia (Culicidae, Diptera)
S. J. Heinemann, Aitken, T. H. G., Belkin, J. N.1980Collection records of the project "Mosquitoes of Middle America" 14. Trinidad and Tobago (TR, TRM, TOB)
S. J. Heinemann, Belkin J. N.1979Collection records of the project “Mosquitoes of Middle America” 13. South America: Brazil (BRA, BRAP, BRB), Ecuador (ECU), Peru (PER), Chile (CH)
S. J. Heinemann, Belkin J. N.1978Collection records of the project “Mosquitoes of Middle America” 10. Panama, including Canal Zone (PA, GG)
S. J. Heinemann, Belkin J. N.1978Collection records of the project “Mosquitoes of Middle America” 11. Venezuela (VZ); Guianas: French Guiana (FG, FGC), Guyana (GUY), Surinam (SUR)
S. J. Heinemann, Belkin J. N.1978Collection records of the project “Mosquitoes of Middle America” 12. Colombia (COA, COB, COL, COM)
S. J. Heinemann, Belkin J. N.1977Collection records of the project “Mosquitoes of Middle America” 7. Costa Rica (CR)
S. J. Heinemann, Belkin J. N.1977Collection records of the project "Mosquitoes of Middle America" 8. Central America: Belize (BH), Guatemala (GUA), El Salvador (SAL), Honduras (HON), Nicaragua (NI, NIC)
S. J. Heinemann, Belkin J. N.1977Collection records of the project “Mosquitoes of Middle America” 7. Costa Rica (CR)
O. Helm1896Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Insecten des Bernsteins
J. B. Heppner1982Millieriinae, a new subfamily of Choreutidae, with new taxa from Chile and the United States (Lepidoptera: Sesioidea)
J. - P. Hervé, Geoffroy B.1974Description d’un nouveau moustique de République Centrafricaine Culex (Neoculex) subsalisburiensis n.sp.
Y. Higa, Toma, T., Miyagi, I., Malenganisho, W. L. M., Takagi, M.1998Morphoo-taxonomical studies on two subspecies of Anopheles saperoi (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
J. L. K. Hii, Peyton, E. L., Shang, V. Y.1988Redescription of the adult and first descriptions of the larva and pupa of Anopheles (Cellia) sulawesi Waktoedi, a species of the Leucosphyrus Group from Sulawesi, Indonesia (Diptera: Culicidae)
E. Hill, Haydon L. G.1907A contribution to the study of the characteristics of larvae of species of Anophelina in South Africa
R. B. Hill, Hill C. M.1946Phoniomyia hirsuta, a new sabethine from Jamaica (Diptera, Culicidae)
J. E. Hinton1963The ventral ecdysial lines of the head of endopterygote larvae
E. Hitchcock1835Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Massachusetts
C. Ho1938A new tree-hole breeding Anopheles from the island of Hainan
K. - M. Ho1963Report of a new mosquito, Culex cheni sp. nov. [in Chinese]
C. C. Hoffmann1938La formacion [sic] de razas en los Anopheles mexicanos. II. Anopheles albimanus y sus variedades en la Republica Mexicana
C. C. Hoffmann1935La formacion de razas en los Anopheles mexicanos. I. A. maculipennis y A. quadrimaculatus y una raza nueva del maculipennis
C. L. Hogue1975A new species of bromeliad-breeding Culex (Culex) from Cocos Island
M. Holstein1949Le Problème d'Anophélès Gambiae [sic]
M. H. Holstein1951Note sur l’épidémiologie du paludisme en Afrique-Occidentale Française
G. H. E. Hopkins1952Mosquitoes of the Ethiopian Region I.—Larval bionomics of mosquitoes and taxonomy of culicine larvae
G. H. E. Hopkins1936Mosquitoes of the Ethiopian Region I.–Larval bionomics of mosquitoes and taxonomy of culicine larvae
W. R. Horsfall1972Mosquitoes, their bionomics and relation to disease
W. R. Horsfall, Miles, R. C., Sokatch, J. T.1952Eggs of floodwater mosquitoes. I. Species of Psorophora (Diptera: Culicidae)
W. R. Horsfall, Ronquillo M. C.1970Genesis of the reproductive system of mosquitoes II. Male of Aedes stimulans (Walker)
L. O. Howard1901Mosquitoes: how they live; how they carry disease; how they are classified; how they may be destroyed
L. O. Howard, Dyar, H. G., Knab, F.1917The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Volume four. Systematic description (in two parts). Part II
L. O. Howard, Dyar, H. G., Knab, F.1915The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Volume three. Systematic description (in two parts). Part I
L. O. Howard, Dyar, H. G., Knab, F.1913The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies
C. - E. Hsiao1977A new species of Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) [in Chinese]
L. - K. Hsieh, Liao T. - H.1956A list of Amoy mosquitoes with the description of a new species and a new variety [in Chinese]
K. - C. Hsu1964Description of a new mosquito Tripteroides (Tripteroides) szechwanensis sp. nov. [in Chinese]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith