
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
S. - I. Yamada1927An experimental study on twenty-four species of Japanese mosquitoes regarding their suitability as intermediate hosts for Filaria bancrofti Cobbold
R. C. Shannon1927Contribución a los estudios de las zonas biológicas de la República Argentina
N. L. Shingarev1927Notes on Culicidae. II. [in Russian]
A. da Costa Lima1928Sobre algumas anophelinas encontradas no Brasil
H. G. Dyar1928The mosquitoes of the Americas
A. M. Evans1928A new variety of Armigeres from Lagos, with descriptions of the larval and pupal stages
R. C. Shannon, del Ponte E.1928Los culicidos en la Argentina
H. G. Dyar, Núñez Tovar M.1928Descriptions of new species of mosquitoes from Venezuela
E. Borel1928Les moustiques de la Cochinchine et du Sud-Annam (Suite)
F. W. Edwards1928Mosquito notes.–VII
F. W. Edwards, Given D. H. C.1928The early stages of some Singapore mosquitos [sic]
P. J. Barraud1928A revision of the culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XXIV. The Indian species of the subgenera Skusea and Aedes, with descriptions of eight new species, and remarks on a new method for identifying the females of the subgenus Aedes
S. L. Brug1928Aanteekeningen omtrent Muskieten (IV)
N. L. Shingarev1928Notes on Culicidae. III. [in Russian]
P. J. Barraud1928A revision of the culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XXIII. The genus Aedes (sens. lat.) and the classification of the subgenera. ...
P. G. Shute1928A new variety of Culicella morsitans (Theobald) (Diptera)
H. G. Dyar, Núñez Tovar M.1928Descriptions of new species of mosquitoes from Venezuela
A. Lutz1928Estudios de zoología y parasitología venezolanas
S. L. Brug1928Anopheles (Neomyzomyia) longirostris n. sp., (Diptera, Culicidae)
F. W. Edwards1928A new mosquito from the Kivu volcanoes, Belgian Congo
T. C. M. Young, Majid S. A.1928A variety of Anopheles [sic] karwari collected in Coorg, S. India
D. P. Curry1928A new anopheline mosquito, Anopheles (Chagasia) bathanus Dyar, discovered in the Canal Zone
F. W. Edwards1928The nematocerous Diptera of Corsica
G. Raffaele1928Una nuova specie di “Anopheles
E. Strand1928Miscellanea nomenclatorica zoologica et palaeontologica
I. M. Puri1928On two species of Indian anopheline mosquitoes, A. jeyporiensis James and A. moghulensis Christophers
Medschid1928Über Aëdes lepidonotus Edw. und Aëdes Refiki [sic] n. sp.
W. E. Patton, Evans A. M.1929Insects, ticks, mites and venomous animals of medical and veterinary importance. Part I. — Medical
F. W. Edwards1929Philippine nematocerous Diptera II
A. M. Evans1929Aëdes (Aëdimorphus) apicoannulatus Edwards and yellow fever: A correction
F. W. Edwards1929Mosquito notes.– VIII
C. B. Philip1929Preliminary report of further tests with yellow fever transmission by mosquitoes other than Aedes aegypti
R. W. Paine, Edwards F. W.1929Mosquitos [sic] from the Solomon Islands
P. J. Barraud1929A revision of the culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XXVI. The genera Heizmannia, Haemagogus, Topomyia, and Megarhinus
F. H. Taylor1929Notes on Australian Culicidae (Dipt.)
H. G. Dyar1929A new species of mosquito from Montana, with annotated list of the species known from the state
P. J. Barraud1929A revision of the culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XXV. The genera Mucidus, Mimomyia, Ficalbia, Rachionotomyia, and Hodgesia
H. G. Dyar1929A new mosquito from the Philippine Islands
K. L. Chowdhury1929A new variety of protanopheline A. barbirostris van der Wulp, var. ahomi, found in Upper Assam
A. da Costa Lima1929Sobre um novo Anopheles do Brasil
E. Martini1929Culicidae
I. M. Puri1929Description of the male, female, egg and larva of Anopheles annandalei var. interruptus nov. var., with corrections for the previous descriptions of the type species
I. M. Puri1929A new tree-hole breeding Anopheles from South India―Anopheles sintoni sp. nov. ―and a revised description of the larva of A. culiciformis Cogill
H. G. Dyar1929Remarks on the subgenus Phalangomyia of Culex Linn. (Diptera, Culicidae)
F. W. Edwards1929A new Anopheles from the central Sahara
V. Apfelbeck1929Neue Culiciden aus Bosnien und Dalmatien
H. de Rook1929Malaria en Anophelinen aan de Boven-Digoel
F. W. Edwards1929Mosquito notes.– VIII
M. O. T. Iyengar1929Adult and larval stages of Anopheles majidi
F. W. Edwards1930Mosquito notes.– IX


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith