
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
H. G. Dyar, Shannon R. C.1925New mosquitoes from Brazil (Diptera, Culicidae)
H. G. Dyar1925A new sabethid from Panama (Diptera, Culicidae) [sic]
S. L. Brug1925A new Armigeres (Diptera, Culicidae) from Ceram (Moluccas)
A. M. Evans1925A new variety of Anopheles marshalli Theobald from the Belgian Congo
A. M. Evans1925A new variety of Anopheles marshallii, from Sierra Leone
E. Martini1925Zwei bemerkenswerte Culiciden von einem eigenartigen Biotop
E. Rodenwaldt1925Entomologische notities. III
H. G. Dyar1925Note on bromelicolous Anopheles (Diptera, Culicidae) [sic]
H. G. Dyar1925The subgenera of Mansonia Blanchard (Diptera, Culicidae) [sic]
H. G. Dyar, Shannon R. C.1925A new sabethid mosquito from Panama (Diptera, Culicidae)
J. Haga1925A new Uranotaenia (Culicidae, Diptera) from Alor, Lesser Sunda Islands
F. Larrousse1925Larve de Culex a branchies très développées nouvelle pour la faune Française (Culex lavieri n. sp.)
A. Peryassú1925Anopheles alagoanii (n sp) Peryassú
J. Petrochi1925Descripción de un nuevo Anopheles
E. Séguy1925Notes sur les moustiques de l’Afrique Mineure, de l’Égypte et de la Syrie. I
H. G. Dyar1925Some new mosquitoes from Colombia―III (Diptera, Culicidae [sic])
H. G. Dyar, Shannon R. C.1925The mosquitoes of Peary's North Pole expedition of 1908. (Diptera, Culicidae)
T. W. Kirkpatrick1926Culex (Lasiosiphon) Adairi [sic], Nom. Nov.
A. M. Evans1926Notes on Freetown mosquitos [sic], with descriptions of new and little-known species
F. W. Edwards1926Mosquito notes.–VI
F. W. Edwards1926Diptera Nematocera from the mountains of Borneo
P. J. Barraud1926A revision of the culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XVIII. The Indian species of Uranotaenia and Harpagomyia, with descriptions of five new species
F. W. Edwards1926Una revisione delle zanzare delle regioni paleartiche
E. Martini1926Über die Stechmücken der Umgebung von Saratow
D. Falleroni1926Fauna anofelica italiana e suo “habitat„ (paludi, risaie, canali). Metodi di lotta contro la malaria
E. Rodenwaldt1926Entomologische notities. IV
N. L. Shingarev1926New information on Culicidae of U.S.S.R. [in Russian]
E. Borel1926Les moustiques de la Cochinchine et du Sud-Annam
J. Bréthes1926Description provisoire de deux especes nouvelles d'Anophelinae argentins
F. M. Root1926Studies on Brazilian mosquitoes. I. The anophelines of the Nyssorhynchus group
J. Bréthes1926Contribución para el conocimiento de los mosquitos argentinos. Descripción de un nuevo Megarhinus: Megarhinus tucumanus
S. L. Brug1926Lophoscelomya [sic] annandalei var. djajasanensis nov. var. (Diptera, Culicidae [sic]).
H. G. Dyar1926Notes on Panama mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae [sic])
H. S. Montchadsky1926Larva of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) pulchritarsis, Rond., var. stegomyina, Stack. & Montch., nov., from Turkestan
J. Stschelkanovzev1926To the knowledge of the mosquito fauna of south-east RSFSR [in Russian]
W. H. W. Komp1926A new Culex from Honduras
A. A. Stackelberg1926Materials for identification of Diptera Nematocera USSR. 2. Identification of families and genera in the adult stage [in Russian]
S. R. Christophers1926A. (Myzomyia) pattoni, a new Anopheles [sic] from Shan-tung, North China; with notes on some other species of Anopheles [sic] from the same locality
A. Ingram, De Meillon B.1927A mosquito survey of certain parts of South Africa, with special reference to the carriers of malaria and their control. (Part I)
H. G. Dyar, Núñez Tovar M.1927Notes on biting flies from Venezuela (Diptera, Culicidae, Psychodidae [sic])
F. W. Edwards1927Four new mosquitoes from the Belgian Congo
F. H. Taylor1927Two new species of Australian Culicidae (Diptera)
P. J. Barraud1927A revision of the culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XXI. Descriptions of new species of Aedimorphus and Finlaya, and notes on Stegomyia albolineata (Theo.)
I. M. Mackerras1927Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae). Part ii. The zoogeography of the subgenus Ochlerotatus, with notes on the species
E. Martini1927Über zwei neue Stechmückenarten aus Anatolien
G. C. Paterson, Shannon R. C.1927Mosquitos de Embarcación (Salta) con notas sobre la zona biológica del Chaco (Chaco Life Zone)
P. J. Barraud1927A revision of the culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XXII. The Indian species of the genus Tæniorhynchus (including Mansonioides), with a description of one new species
F. W. Edwards1927New mosquitoes of the genus Rachionotomyia from New Guinea
R. C. Shannon, del Ponte E.1927Cuatro notas sobre especies nuevas de Dípteros, Nematóceros, Hematófagos, o no, de la República Argentina
F. M. Root1927Studies on Brazilian mosquitoes. IV. Notes on some Brazilian species of Anopheles


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith