
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. O. Coutinho, Farias G. S.1942Anopheles (Ayrozamyia) tibiamaculatus (Neiva, 1906)– descrição do macho e criação de novo sub-genero (Diptera, Culicidae)
G. Covell1927A new species of Anopheles from eastern India, A. (Myzomyia) ramsayi; with a new description of A. (Myzomyia) jamesii Theobald
G. C. Crampton1942The external morphology of the Diptera
G. C. Crampton1925A phylogenentic [sic] study of the thoracic sclerites of the non-tipuloid nematocerous Diptera
P. S. Cranston, Ramsdale, C. D., Snow, K. R., White, G. B.1967Keys to the adults, male hypopygia, fourth-instar larvae and pupae of the British mosquitoes (Culicidae) with notes on their ecology and medical importance
G. Cruz1907Uma nova especie do genero Psorophora
O. G. Cruz1907Um novo genero brazileiro da sub-familia “Anophelinae”
O. G. Cruz1906Um novo genero da sub-familia «Anophelina»
O. G. Cruz1901Contribuição para o estudo dos culicidios do Rio de Janeiro
U. Culicidae1911Uganda Culicidae
J. H. L. Cumpston1824Disease distribution in the Pacific Basin
D. P. Curry1932Some observations on the Nyssorhynchus group of the Anopheles (Culicidae [sic]) of Panama
D. P. Curry1931Anopheles (Anopheles) neomaculipalpus. A new species of the Arribalzagaia [sic] group of Anopheles from Panama
D. P. Curry1928A new anopheline mosquito, Anopheles (Chagasia) bathanus Dyar, discovered in the Canal Zone
J. Curtis1837A guide to an arrangement of British insects; being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland
J. Curtis1835Culex guttatus. The white-spotted gnat or mosquito. Fascicle 537
J. Curtis1831A guide to an arrangement of British insects; being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland
L. C. Curtis1967The mosquitoes of British Columbia
M. M. Baeza Cuéllar1933Estudio médico de los culícidos hematófagos
Unova espec Cyclolepidopteron1923Uma nova especie de anophelineo do genero Cyclolepidopteron
A. Cywinska, Hunter, F. F., Hebert, P. D. N.2006Identifying Canadian mosquito species through DNA barcodes
C. Dahl, White G. B.1978Culicidae
L. D’Anfreville1916Les moustiques de Salé, Maroc
C. W. Daniels1908Notes on the mosquitoes on the river and coast districts of the eastern side of the Peninsula
V. N. Danilov1989Two new Afrotropical subgenera of the mosquito genus Culex (Diptera, Culicidae) [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1987Mosquitoes of the subgenus Aedes (Diptera, Culicidae) of the USSR fauna. II. Aedes dahuricus sp. n. [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1987Mosquitoes of the genus Toxorhynchites in the fauna of the USSR and related taxa in East and South-east Asia (Culicidae) [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1985Mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) of Afghanistan. Communication I. Identification table of the females [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1985Mosquitoes of Afghanistan. Communication 2. A key to fourth-stage larvae [In Russian]
V. N. Danilov1985Mosquitoes of the subgenus Edwardsaedes of the Palearctic with description of the larva of Aedes (Edw.) bekkui [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1985Mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) of Afghanistan. Communication I. Identification table of the females [In Russian]
V. N. Danilov1985Mosquitoes of Afghanistan. Communication 2. A key to fourth-stage larvae [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1985Mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) of Afghanistan. Communication I. Identification table of the females [In Russian]
V. N. Danilov1985Mosquitoes of Afghanistan. Communication 2. A key to fourth-stage larvae [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1984Culiseta (Culicella) setivalva Maslov as a synonym of C. (C.) fumipennis Stephens [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1982Mosquito fauna (Diptera: Culicidae) of the Ethiopian zoogeographical region 2. A new species of Mansonia (Coquillettidia) and a key for adults of the genus Mansonia [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1979Nomenclature, synonymy, differential diagnosis and distribution of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) albineus Séguy (Diptera, Culicidae) [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov1977On the synonymy of species names of Aedes mosquitoes (subgenera Finlaya and Neomelaniconion) in the Far East fauna
V. N. Danilov1976Revision of some Holarctic species and subspecies of the genus Culiseta Felt. I. Culiseta (Culiseta) kanayamensis Yamada as a synonym of C. (C.) bergrothi Edwards
V. N. Danilov1974On the restoration of the name Aedes (0.) mercurator Dyar for a mosquito known in the USSR as Aedes riparius ater Gutsevich (Diptera, Culicidae) [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov, Filippova V. V.1978A new species of mosquito, Aedes (Stegomyia) sibiricus sp. n. (Culicidae) [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov, Gornostaeva R. M.1987A new species of mosquito, Aedes (Ochlerotatus) intermedius sp. n. (Diptera, Culicidae) [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov, Markovich, N. Y., Proskuryakova, A. M.1978A new species of mosquito, Aedes (Ochlerotatus) sergievi sp. n. [in Russian]
V. N. Danilov, Stupin V. I.1982A new species of the mosquito genus Aedes Mg. (Diptera, Culicidae) from southern Siberia and Priamuria [in Russian]
R. F. Darsie, Jr2000Description of the pupae of five species in the subgenus Armigeres, genus Armigeres Theobald, with a key to species of the known pupae of the subgenus (Diptera: Culicidae)
R. F. Darsie, Jr1985Mosquitoes of Argentina. Part I. Keys for identification of adult females and fourth stage larvae in English and Spanish (Diptera, Culicidae)
R. F. Darsie, Jr., Courtney, G. W., Pradhan, S. P.1996Notes on the mosquitoes of Nepal IV. Results of the 1994 collecting in the midwestern region, including new country records and voucher confirmation (Diptera, Culicidae)
R. F. Darsie, Jr, Courtney, G. W., Pradhan, S. P.1993Notes on the mosquitoes of Nepal: III. Additional new records in1992 (Diptera: Culicidae)
R. F. Darsie, Jr, Pradhan S. P.1990The mosquitoes of Nepal: their identification, distribution and biology
R. F. Darsie, Jr, Cagampang-Ramos A.1977A study of Anopheles ludlowae Theobald siblings, leading to new synonymy (Diptera, Culicidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith